CQ:自己弁の感染性心内膜炎(NVE:native valve endocarditis)で、弁置換術が必要となった場合、術後の抗菌薬治療は、NVEとして行うべきか、人工弁の感染性心内膜炎(PVE= prosthetic valve endocarditis)として行うべきか?
CQ=clinical question
1. AHA guideline 2015
・p. 1444:For patients with NVE who undergo valve resection with prosthetic valve replacement or repair with an annuloplasty ring, there is a lack of consensus as to whether the postoperative treatment regimen should be one that is recommended for prosthetic valve treatment rather than one that is recommended for native valve treatment. In regimens that contain combination antimicrobial therapy, it is reasonable to administer agents at the same time or temporally close together to maximize the synergistic killing effect on an infecting pathogen.
2. ESC guideline 2015
・p. 3091:In NVE needing valve replacement by a prosthesis during antibiotic therapy, the postoperative antibiotic regimen should be that recommended for NVE, not for PVE. In both NVE and PVE, the duration of treatment is based on the first day of effective antibiotic therapy (negative blood culture in the case of initial positive blood culture), not on the day of surgery. A new full course of treatment should only start if valve cultures are positive, with the choice of antibiotic being based on the susceptibility of the latest recovered bacterial isolate.
3. N Engl J Med 2013;368:1425-33(NEJMのIEの総説)
・When valve replacement is performed during antibiotic treatment of native-valve infective endocarditis, the duration of antibiotic therapy should remain the same as the duration recommended for native-valve infective endocarditis and should not be switched to that recommended for prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis. In both native-valve and prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis, the duration of treatment should be calculated from the first day of appropriate antibiotic therapy, not from the day of surgery. After surgery, a new full course of treatment should be started only if valve cultures are positive.
・NVEで弁置換術した場合、治療期間はNVEの治療期間を採用する。治療期間は、弁培養が陽性であった場合、そこからカウントを再開するが、陰性の場合は、手術に関係なく、もともとの治療期間で治療を行う(ちなみUpToDate. Surgery for left-sided native valve infective endocarditis. では術後2週間は最低行う、と記載されている。)
4. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2005; 41:187-94
・弁培養陰性の場合、IE(NVE 60%程度を占める)の術後2週間の治療で十分な可能性が高い
臨床検査科部長、感染症内科部長、地域感染症疫学・予防センター長 細川 直登
感染症内科:微生物が原因となっておこる病気 渡航医学